Wednesday, January 3, 2007


Siince the beginning of time man has been surrounded by crap. The first big step came with the realization that leaves work better than rocks. That was followed by digging holes in the ground to cover what was left behind. This led to indoor plumbing. However, one has to be trained to use indoor plumbing, and until one is trainable, a diaper is needed.
Diapers used to be cloth, with pins that poked the poor, tired parent who wasn't paying attention or who was struggling to keep things in the general vicinity clean. Not only that, but what was one to do with the dirty diapers? Rnse the diaper in the toilet and heap it with others in a filthy wet pile. After a period of time, the pile of filth moved to the wash machine. Then came the single greatest invention in the history of parenhood - disposable diapers.
Some have determined disposable diapers are not healthy! There are nasty things in the diapers, they say. No S@#%! Disposable diapers are made from things that don't decompose quickly and cause bad things to happen.
The progress made in the last 50 years is in jeopardy because disposable diapers are...disposable. Use the old cotton ones, they say, it is safer and healthier. Has anyone really put some serious thought into that? Festering piles of wet, used diapers in my house are safer than piles of diapers buried in the ground? How do we know all those oil deposits aren't from dinosaur diaper piles? The oil pipes don't get clogged with dino bones. Maybe 15 million years from now our disposable diaper dumps will be the oil our progeny live off of.
Diseases used to kill people because they didn't have good hygene. They would s#$% where they ate, so to speak. Then came indoor plumbing and waste treatment and diseases reduced. Disposable diapers came along, and further reductions. Now we are told disposable diapers are bad. Really? We should replace the festering piles of filth in our homes because some crunchy nut thinks the absorbent material is bad, or the plastic shell has some kind of something that caused cancer in rats when the rats were injected with it.
I think we need a study commissioned by Congress, to establish the health benefits and detriments to disposable diapers. Maybe a bi-partisan commission could interview the folks from Nature Valley to fully understand their claims. After all, who better than the politicians who are experts in s#$%. (Al Gore probably invented s#$%!) The CDC could be contacted for their opinion. Then we could be informed with substantiated evidence on the best course of action.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Tsk, tsk, tsk. What a hypocritcal post coming from Mr. Frugal himself. "Save money, save money, save money" you say...and when I come up with a solution to do poo poo it (pun intended). I predict you will change your tune in time. :) They really can't smell worse than that Diaper Champ after a few days worth of 'sposies build up. Don't you have some painting to do??? Please pass the grape nuts. Thanks! :)