Sunday, October 5, 2008

I learned to fish

My family is split, politically speaking. Some of us are right, and some aren't. I've been giving the differences a lot of thought lately and I believe I understand the fundamental differences between us.
Dad always taught us to treat others with respect, dignity and as we'd want to be treated. He never used words like oppression to explain his thoughts, but over time we understood them. Those manners stuck with us and in large part shaped our political views, and led to our political differences.
Those of us who are right believe in fairness, dignity and respect for everyone; rich and poor, young and old, every color in the rainbow. However, we reject the oppression of a biased social agenda that, to borrow the phrase, "hands out fishes" rather than "teaching to fish." We have all lived, to varying degrees, in poverty during our lifetimes. We are nearly all out of poverty, thanks in part to the social programs that taught us to fish, like student loans.
So when a political party comes along claiming it is fair to take more money from one group to give it to others in a "fish redistribution" program those of us who are right have a problem with that. We understand that the unspoken corollary to this scheme is that as the poor elevate their economic position in society, they will be punished. Their hard work and studying of fishing techniques will inevitably lead them to fish while someone else takes advantage of their hard work.
Having lived in poverty we all know the personal gratification that comes along with succeeding and pulling ourselves out. We wish to extend this same satisfaction to others and sincerely hope everyone can improve their status through hard work, initiative and education. We reject the oppressive schemes that seek to maintain a large portion of America in "its place" by encouraging less ambition and less effort.

1 comment:

Abbie said...

Well said! I hope you don't mind, I'm showing your post off via a link on my own blog. If that's not ok please email me at . (I'm an online friend of Melissa's, by the way :)