Sunday, April 1, 2007

I'm from the Valley! Nature Valley?

Those who know me know my wife is going through a transition time. We recently had our second child. Man, kids bring so many changes - late nights changing diapers, hours spend watching Barney or Dora, blowing endless bubbles for some amusement. But it has also brought other changes. I love my wife; I love our kids and I wouldn't change any of them for anything in the world. But some of the changes are taking some getting used to.

Recently I talked about wraps, so there is one thing. Then, there are the requirements for a stroller. I have been lectured on the need for appropriate foot apparel for infants and children (often costing what I pay for size 10 men's shoes). Lastly, there is breastfeeding.

Where do I start on that? I saw all of my siblings breastfed, so it came as no surprise that the equipment had a practical purpose. What did come as a surprise was the militancy some women have in favor or breastfeeding. Slowly my wife went from not wanting to be seen with a baby in a position that might remotely be considered in feeding position. That has now changed to where some modesty is required, but onlookers are ignored. I'm cool with that.

But now I hear talk about nurse-ins. Am I in the 60's? Did I marry Al Nelson with boobs (for those who don't know Al, count yourself lucky you don't now have a mental image to cope with, for those that do, seek counseling urgently!)? In what alternate universe did I awaken? Myspace has declared pictures of breastfeeding babies to be obscene, and has taken to removing them. (To wit, pictures of the equipment while not in action are ok.) So the "lactivists" out there want to stage a virtual nurse-in. They post pictures of themselves feeding their child, or someone else feeding, daring the Myspace people to remove their pictures. My response to both sides is the same..."huh?" Why are the pics of a nipple covered by a babies mouth obscene, and why are the women up in arms? Must be a chick thing.

If there is something I have learned it is if there is a virtual something, there is a real one too. And here in town someone got upset because a judge forbade her from nursing her child in the courtroom. So, you guessed it, a nurse-in was in the offing.

I think everyone should take a step back, take a deep breath and be nice to each other. Women feed children with their breasts. It happens. It was meant to happen. If it wasn't, women would be marsupials and could tuck a kid into a pouch. Let them cover and nurse happily. Can't we all just get along???

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